With the weather finally heating up, the big question is what is healthy when it comes to the sun? As we know, too much UV radiation can damage DNA in your skin cells and can cause cancer. However, there are also many benefits to the right amount of exposure!
Vitamin D is widely known to promote calcium absorptions in the gut, ensure appropriate bone growth and now, lower chances of cancer.

A Research study carried out by a team in Japan from the National Cancer Centre concluded that people with higher levels of Vitamin D had a 22% lower chance of being diagnosed with Cancer. There was also strong statistical evidence that people with high vitamin D levels were 55% less likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer. Another report from Michigan State University stated that if taken for more than three years, Vitamin D may add years to life for those who are currently suffering from cancer.
Although statistics may be low it is important to maintain the intake of vitamin D for general health! With summer approaching its important that you get outside and soak in the sun! But also be mindful of wearing sunscreen and keeping hydrated in the heat.
Here a few tips to make sure you’re getting the right information about of Vitamin D:
- You need at least 15 minutes of sun exposure between 10 am – 3 pm several times a week, whether that’s opting to walk to the shops or just sitting outside on your break, a small amount of such each day does a world of good. People with darker skin will need to spend more time in the sun as higher levels of melanin can inhibit vitamin D production.
- As well as the sun you can also absorb vitamin D through food. Meals containing oily fish such as tuna, mackerel and egg yolks contain a high amount of vitamin D.
- Supplements are also another option to increase your intake of vitamin D and are easy to purchase from your nearest supermarket. Vegan supplements are also available which can be found in speciality health stores or online.
- Always make sure you are wearing sun cream and staying hydrated whenever you are out. Check out our recent re-post of the article ‘SPF, UVA, UVB: Sun Cream Explained’ to understand why suncream is so important and which type you should be using!
Stay safe and soak in that vitamin D peeps!